The Martyrdom of Caravaggio (Trailer)Anna Carvalho Mar 4, 20171 min read THE MARTYRDOM OF CARAVAGGIO Trailer Character: Marié Directed by Andrii Lantukh Produced by David Garson (Humpback Whale Studios) It's coming this Summer ;) <3#Actorslife #Shortfilm #actress #annacarvalhoactress #Actor #themartyrdomofcaravaggio #trailer #films #lovemywork
THE MARTYRDOM OF CARAVAGGIO Trailer Character: Marié Directed by Andrii Lantukh Produced by David Garson (Humpback Whale Studios) It's coming this Summer ;) <3#Actorslife #Shortfilm #actress #annacarvalhoactress #Actor #themartyrdomofcaravaggio #trailer #films #lovemywork